A 2-year-old boy, Brandon, saved his family from fire by waking his parents who were unaware of the smoke because they had lost their sense smell due to COVID-19, in the middle of the night.
Nathan, 33, and Kayla Dahl, 28, who lost their sense of smell and taste after suffering from Covid-19, did not wake to the smell of smoke and their fire alarms did not go off.
Their son Brandon who was sleeping in the living room, woke to the smoke and flames and got his mother to wake up.
Kayla told Good Morning America; “He tapped me on my feet in bed and was coughing and saying, “Mama, hot. Mama, hot.
“I turned around. I looked and all I saw was flames in the doorway.”
The parents quickly woke up and got their five children out of the burning home. ‘She’s screaming, “Fire! Fire! Fire!”‘ Nathan said. ‘My initial thought was, “OK, I’m going to get up and I’m going to get to work.”‘
“We had seconds. It’s nothing short of a miracle.” A volunteer firefighter for six years, Nathan had taught his children what to do in the event of a fire, in particular not touch anything while trying to escape
The father said that none of the smoke alarms in their home in Alvord, Texas, sounded and they had brand new, less than a year old smoke alarms in their house, yet none of them went off.’
Once outside, the family watched the inferno destroy their home, as well as their two cars. Nathan said;
“About maybe a minute after we got out of the house, our front door had flames coming out of it”
Kayla lamented that ‘everything was gone’ inside her home and that she lost her car. But she was grateful for her young son’s heroic act.
She said; “Brandon saved us. He saved our entire family. I mean, he’s our little mini hero.”