The nominations for this week from Level one housemates.
Cyph 11
Phyna 7
Amaka 7
Khalid 6
Beauty 6
Bryann 6
Kess 6
Hermes, the week’s HoH has listed five level two housemates for possible eviction following a few minutes of consulting with his fellow level one housemates.
The housemates nominated for the week are Cyph, Phyna, Christy O, Amaka and shockingly, Hermes’ roommate Khalid.
Hermes’ nominees and his reasons for picking them for eviction:
Cyph – He’s the strongest
Phyna – She’s quite an alpha
Christy O – She was a strong character at the Wager
Amaka – A strong voice and personality
Khalid – Emotional decision, but he’s a threat
At least one of the nominated housemates is expected to exit the game.