Russia Teaching Kindergarten How To Use AK-47, Defence Their Nation (PHOTOS) | MarvelTvUpdates

Russia Teaching Kindergarten How To Use AK-47, Defence Their Nation (PHOTOS) | MarvelTvUpdates

Shocking footage shows an officer in combat fatigues demonstrating a Kalashnikov machine-gun and an anti-tank grenade launcher to kindergarten youngsters.

The ‘teacher’ is Pavel Firsov, from a militaristic pro-Kremlin movement called Combat Brotherhood.

Children at Kindergarten No. 31 in Korolev, near Moscow were taught the ‘qualities that distinguish a true defender of the Motherland’.

Firsov is a ‘veteran of military operations’ and regularly gives military lessons to older children.

The classes come as tens of thousands of Russian troops have died in Putin’s attempt to invade and emasculate independent country Ukraine.

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