If you think that the current secessionists that are agitating that Yoruba should be separated from Nigeria are the first to come up with such motives, then I guess you should read about this man.
He is Mr. Modiyu Adeniyi Osinowo, a Headmaster who was 27-year-old during the time, he led a campaign that Yorubaland should separate from Nigeria.

In year 1960, during the celebration of Nigeria’s independence, Mr Osinowo was provoked by the kind of treatment that was given to Chief Obafemi Awolowo, he then led a one-person campaign that Yoruba should be given its own sovereignty and separate from Nigeria like Pakistan separated from India.
In his words, he said ” Let’s have our own Pakistan, if they could rubbish Awo like this, they will start defecating on us sooner or later, let’s have our own sovereignty”.
5 years later, Mr. Modiyu Adeniyi was assassinated.