The grim reaper, without doubt, shows deference to no one irrespective of class or social clout of its victims; little wonder it stole into the home of Laolu Mudashiru, the eldest son of former Military Governor of Lagos State, the late Air Commodore Gbolahan Mudashiru and his also-deceased wife, Foluke, just as it would, the home of average folk, to wrest his life off him.
The dirge of life resonates again, this time in the household of Mudashirus. Death, the dreaded dialogue between the spirit and the dust has finally manifested like a dark pall, shielding Laolu’s mortal soul from the beams of life.
The investment banker was cycling with two other professional cyclists when a drunk driver rammed into their bicycles on Gerrard Road (Onikoyi end) and sped off, leaving them with very serious injuries.
Mudashiru and the two other cyclists who we have not identified were rushed to the Lagoon Hospital on Bourdillon Road, Ikoyi, where Mudashiru eventually died from injuries to the head, according to reliable sources.
A UNILAG-trained medical doctor with an MBA from the University of Reading in the United Kingdom, was a Co-Founder/ Deputy Managing Director of VETIVA, one of Nigeria’s leading Capital Management firms.