Husband Gorges Out Wife’s Eyes For Alleged Money Ritual | MarvelTvUpdates

Husband Gorges Out Wife’s Eyes For Alleged Money Ritual | MarvelTvUpdates

A middle-aged man from Umueze Ibeku community, suburb of Umuahia, Abia State identified as Lawrence Uzor, has allegedly plucked out his wife’s eyes for ritual purpose.

According to reports, the victim was said to be deep asleep when the incident occurred.

Alerted by the groaning of the victim, their landlady, Madam Lovejane Nwaiwu rushed into the apartment of the tenants to see what to happened was also attacked by the man.

The suspect was said to have used the killer knife on the landlady, inflicting injury on her but she narrowly escaped.

Narrating her ordeals to the wife of the Governor, Mrs Priscilla Otti who visited the victims Monday at the FMC, where they are currently hospitalized, the Landlady said she escaped by whiskers.

She said that she had rushed in to know why the man’s wife was groaning, the man who pinned her to the floor with a knife in his hand, attempted to cut off her head but God saved her.

The landlady said:”About 10 pm on Saturday, I heard the man shouting ‘Odogwu, Odogwu (mighty, mighty)’. I was worried as I have not heard the man and his wife, Amarachi Lawrence praying like that.

“I started praying for them. After that. I couldn’t sleep up to about 12 am and was restless. About 1 am, the wife, who is a teacher in a private school started shouting, ‘Mummy, I have been killed’.

” I opened my door, came out and peeped through their bedroom window and saw the man pressing down on the wife with a knife in his hands.

“I started pushing on people’s gates and calling out to Umueze people, but nobody came out or responded. After all attempts to call neighbours to come and nobody answered me, I went to their parlour door and started knocking on the door and suddenly, he opened the door while holding the knife and tried giving me cuts at the head. But I defended my head with my hand and he cut me at the hand and further slashed the knife at my face that incidentally cut me at the mouth and many of my upper teeth came out.

“I ran into my house and locked the door. while he ran outside, locked our gate and went to a neighbour’s house to tell them that he has killed his wife and his landlord’s wife.

“While inside my room, I called my mother and my daughter, who then called a church neighbour and the community vigilance team who rushed to the neighbour’s house and apprehended him”.

Meanwhile, the Governor’s wife who expressed shock over the dastardly act, vowed to seek justice for the victims.

Mrs Otti said she was deeply saddened by the case just few days after signing the compact agreement with the UNFPA on Gender-based violence.

She said that the suspect would be prosecuted for the cruelty, wondering why a man could unleash such wickedness against his wife.

“This is a terrible case of violence, attempted murder and violence”.

The Abia First Lady assured that the State Government would adequately respond to similar cases, adding that GBV will also take action.

Mrs Otti commended Umueze Ibeku community over their response and prompt action which led to the apprehension of the suspect.

She donated cash for the treatment and upkeep of the victims, assuring them of full support.

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