Untold Fact About Postinor 2 And How Its Prevent Pregnancy When Taken Within 72 Hours Of Unprotected Intercourse | MarvelTvUpdates

Untold Fact About Postinor 2 And How Its Prevent Pregnancy When Taken Within 72 Hours Of Unprotected Intercourse | MarvelTvUpdates

But here are 20 Untold Fact You Don’t Know  About Postinor 2.

1. Postinor 2 can cause changes in the

menstrual cycle in the lady. Your next period could start earlier or later than expected and flow can be lighter or heavier than normal.

2. Postinor 2 Sometimes it can cause breast tenderness, headache, dizziness, fatigue.

3. Postinor 2 When taken in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the preparation may inhibit ovulation.

4. Postinor 2 can cause nauseating feeling which occurs in approximately 25% of users vomiting.

5. Postinor 2 can also bring about bleeding disturbances in some cases, 2-3 days following tablet ingestion

6. In the majority of cases the next period starts as expected or somewhat earlier, if the period is more than 7 days late it is recommended to perform a pregnancy test.

7. Avoid taking Postinor 2 if you have high blood pressure (High B.P)

8. Avoid taking Postinor 2 if  You are experiencing vaginal bleeding for which the reason is not known.

9. Speak with your pharmacist or doctor if you are taking Medicines used to treat epilepsy (for example, barbiturates, primidone, phenytoin, and carbamazepine).

10. Talk to your pharmacist if you are taking   a medicine used to treat fungal infections (griseofulvin).

11. Talk to your pharmacist if you are taking Medicines used to treat tuberculosis (for example, rifampicin, rifabutin).

12. Avoid Postinor 2 if you have diabetes mellitus (with kidney, eye or nerve damage, or vascular disease) – Diabetes mellitus is a condition in which the body does not produce enough insulin or else the body tissues are not able to use the insulin present. This leads to hyperglycaemia (too much sugar in the blood)

13. Postinor 2 does not “flush” menses or help your period to come. You might harm the baby in your womb or have ectopic pregnancy if you are already pregnant.

14. Postinor 2 is NOT known to cause cancer. However, there’s increased risk of cancer with OCP use. Do not take it if you have breast cancer.

15. Do not Take Postinor-2 twice in the same month.

16. Whenever you use Postinor-2,it will not really be possible to predict when your period will come,It can come earlier or be delayed.

17. If your period does not come within three weeks of expected time after taking Postinor 2, it is essential to see a doctor for a pregnancy test.

18. Postinor 2 does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Use condoms or be faithful to one uninfected partner.

19. You can buy fake Postinor 2 in the market.

20. Always speak with your pharmacist before taking any drugs.

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