Before accepting to settle down with someone first of all consider the age gap. Too much of age gap in marriage have a lot of disadvantages.
It includes the following:
- Sexual Dissatisfaction
They do have problem in their sexual life. The older partner can be decreasing in sexual desire or libido which can be provoking and regretting to the younger partner which will lead him/her to seek for sexual intimacy somewhere else. Therefore, cheating have set in.
- Child Birth
The younger partner may not be disposed to have children for the moment but the older one will be worried about the biological clock running out(menopause). It can lead to potential marital issues. The number of children to be born is another issue here.
- Compatibility Problems
They do have different mindsets & opinions which can lead to hot argument and fighting. They will always have a different priorities.
- Marital Challenges
If they face any marital challenges the public and themselves will believe that; it is because of too much age gap & they may find it to difficult to resolve.
- Societal Judgment
The society will always judge them. They can term them “Gold Digger”. People will always criticize their decisions.
- Intimidation And Maltreatment can easily be found in this kind of marriage etc.