(VIDEO): Man Stabs Friend To Death After Dreaming That He Was Sleeping With His Wife | MarvelTvUpdates

(VIDEO): Man Stabs Friend To Death After Dreaming That He Was Sleeping With His Wife | MarvelTvUpdates

Kwadwo Adusei aka Desco has been arrested for reportedly killing his friend at Wawaase in Afigya Kwabre South of Ashanti Region of Ghana.

The 45-year-old man reportedly killed his friend after he dreamt that he was having sex with his wife.

It was gathered that he lured the deceased identified as 48-year-old Kwesi Banahene, to a bush where he stabbed him multiple times all over his body. The deceased’s body was found in the bush after a search team was sent to look for him after he was reported missing for days.

According to reports, the suspect attempted to kill his own grandfather after taking the life of his friend. He reportedly accused his grandfather of taking his manhood and thereby rendering him impotent.

However, his grandfather survived the attack and is currently being treated at Ankaase Hospital.

Desco told newsmen that his dreams always come to pass and he couldn’t wait for this one to manifest, which is why he moved in swiftly to avert it.

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