![[VIDEO] Clashes Reported In Lagos After Police stabbed Keke Driver To Death Over #100 Bribe | MarvelTvUpdates [VIDEO] Clashes Reported In Lagos After Police stabbed Keke Driver To Death Over #100 Bribe | MarvelTvUpdates](https://marveltvupdatesng.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/IMG-20211104-WA0077.jpg)
A bribe seeking police officer was reported to have stabbed a tricycle rider to death on Thursday morning in Meiran area of Lagos State.
Reports from an eye witness mentioned that the policeman request a #100 bribe from the rider which he declined.
Hence, chaos erupted from both parties which lead to the policeman use of a dagger to stab the driver, killing him on the spot.
More details about the incidence will be updated soon.
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