I am Never Going To Flaunt My Man On Social Media – Nini | MarvelTVUpdates

I am Never Going To Flaunt My Man On Social Media – Nini | MarvelTVUpdates

Former Big Brother Naija Shine Ya Eye housemate, Nini, has said she would not flaunt her love life on social media.

In an interview with Saturday Beats, she said:

“I am never going to flaunt my man on social media. That’s never happening. My love life will never be public because that’s my private life and I intend to protect it. I am not going to put my love life out there”.

She added that her life had changed drastically after Big brother Naija.

she said: “My life has changed drastically after the show. Before BBN, I was a very private person. Nobody knew me. My social media account was even on private (mode). I grew up in Auchi, Edo State, but coming out of BBN, it has been crazy. I go out and people recognise me. It is not something I am used to. I am really trying to find a balance and adjust to the new life. I am doing pretty well.”

She also spoke about her friendship with Saga.

She said: “My friendship with Saga was genuine. It was just about me living my life. I think it was also genuine from his end. I am okay with it honestly. Saga and I have a great connection. We are great friends.”

On how she reacts to negative comments on social media, she said: “I just ignore them; aside from times when I am in a good mood, then I reply. I feel people will always have opinions and it’s okay but their opinions are not a reflection of who one is. I know who I am. It is not much of a big deal to me. I just let it go. I don’t take it to heart.”

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