SHOCKING : Ogun State Government Intimidates New Orimolusi, Threatens Demolition Of His Ongoing New Palace | MarvelTvupdates

SHOCKING : Ogun State Government Intimidates New Orimolusi, Threatens   Demolition Of His Ongoing New Palace | MarvelTvupdates

In an ongoing viral photo, Ogun State Planning and Development Permit Authority (OGPDA) has administered notices to pend the construction of the new Orimolusi of Ijebu Igbo’s new palace which is in progress 

The government alleged that the building under construction is allegedly unauthorized and permits are not yet issued by the Development Control Department (DCD) to commence the project 

Following this notice, the general manager of OGPDPA, urged local workers and contractors to heed the warning earlier served. Also, other notices were served, which are ‘building without a development permit’ and ‘building contrary to Ogun state regulations.’

The notice reads;


“Upon inspection of the property at the above address, it appears that the provision of the Urban and Regional Planning Law No 20 of 2005 and the enabling regulations of the State has been contravened in respect thereof 

“Your contravention consists of the following 

(a) Building without a development permit 

(b) Building contrary to OGUN State planning “

The ministry further added that if the owner of the building dispute the contravention, they are requested to come along with documents to support their case within 24hrs. Adding that if the owner did not dispute, the land should be returned to its original position. 

OGPDPA further threatened that failure to attend to these notices, the building will be demolished in 3days

Building Approval

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