“Learn From The Life Of Hushpuppi, Quit Trying To Impress People” — Delta Governor’s Aide | MarvelTvUpdates

“Learn From The Life Of Hushpuppi, Quit Trying To Impress People” — Delta Governor’s Aide | MarvelTvUpdates

Ossai Ovie Success Delta state governor’s aide, has advised that people should learn from the life of embattled Instagram big boy, Hushpuppi.

Ossai Ovie, the Special Assistant on Special Duties to the Delta State governor, Sen Ifeanyi Okowa, in a lengthy Facebook post urged people to stop living to impress fellow humans.

According to him, the Self-confessed serial internet fraudster impressed the public with his luxurious lifestyle but after his arrest, people stopped associating with him, posting him on social media and celebrating him.

Sharing photos of Hushpuppi on his Facebook page, Ovie wrote,

Hushpuppi was not celebrated on his birthday. Yesterday was his birthday but was forgotten by everyone including people who benefited from him or knows him.I think people should learn from the life of Hushpuppi.

We should stop trying to impress people. People will praise you when they are benefiting from you and when they stop benefiting, they will forget about you and even give you bad names. Hushpuppi impressed us with his luxurious lifestyle and when he stopped impressing us as a result of his arrest , people stopped associating with him, posting him on social media , celebrating him and talking about him.

“That is the world for you. The truth is when you tried impressing people, you will do all kind of things to keep to that standard of impressing. People are living in debts , pains , depression as a result of impressing people.
People that are into fraud today are doing so to impress people which will definitely hurt them back .

If you want to be happy in life quit trying to impress other people. It just doesn’t work. It has never worked. It will never work. You might be able to impress a few people. You might even be able to impress a lot of people. But you will never impress everyone. In case you don’t know Ramon Abbas, commonly known as Hushpuppi, Hush or Ray Hushpuppi is a Nigerian Instagram celebrity who is facing criminal charges in the United States for conspiracy to launder money. STOP IMPRESSING PEOPLE”.

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