“Sleeping With A Married Person Means You’re Going To Burn In Hell” – Ossai Ovie | Marveltvupdates

“Sleeping With A Married Person Means You’re Going To Burn In Hell” – Ossai Ovie | Marveltvupdates

Ossai Ovie Sucess The Special Assistant on Special Duties to the Delta State Governor, has condemned men who sleep with married women.

He said that sleeping with a married woman attracts curse and those who indulge in the act will burn in hell fire. 

“Men sleeping with married women don’t last long and even if they last long , they live a miserable life. Same with married women sleeping with men. Sleeping with a Married Woman attracts curse,’ he wrote on Tuesday. 

“I heard some men does that to renew their medicine but they don’t know it will definitely backfire at the end of the day

“One thing a man must not do is sleeping with a married woman. And one thing a woman must not do is sleeping with another man. Sleeping with a married person means you’re going to burn in Hell

“So my people when ever that thought comes to you or you are being seduce, Please Run away and do well to pray against it and God will help you.”

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