‘Village Witch’, Troll Slams Nini Singh Over Dubai Trip | MarvelTvUpdates

‘Village Witch’, Troll Slams Nini Singh Over Dubai Trip | MarvelTvUpdates

Nini took to her Instastory to share the shoes she took with her on the Pepsi trip to Dubai.

The troll, Chidozie Ugwueke who couldn’t stand the sight called the reality tv star a ‘village witch’.

She said Pepsi gave broke Nini her biggest feat of traveling out of the country by sponsoring her trip.

Nini who couldn’t understand why the troll was so bitter decided to handle it tactically, but it still didn’t have any effect on the troll who went ahead to call her a lost puppy for not giving Saga breathing space.

In response to that, Nini decided to upload the lady’s profile on her instastory, fans wasted no time in dragging her.

In order to save herself from their claws, she went back to apologize to the reality tv star.

Below are the screenshot of their conversations.

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