44-Years-Old Bassirou Diomaye Faye Elected As 5th Senegal President | MarvelTvUpdates

44-Years-Old Bassirou Diomaye Faye Elected As 5th Senegal President | MarvelTvUpdates

Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar Faye has been elected as the fifth President of Senegal at the age of 44.

His election in the first round of voting, during his inaugural participation in a presidential election, distinguishes him as the youngest candidate to secure such a victory in the country’s electoral history.

“In electing me, the Senegalese people have decided on a break with a past,” Faye told journalists in his first public appearance since the election. “I promise to govern with humility and transparency.”

Provisional results showed Faye with about 53.7% and Amadou Ba – from the current ruling coalition – with 36.2% based on tallies from 90% of polling stations in the first-round vote, the electoral commission said.

Ba and Sall both congratulated Faye, who turned 44 on Monday. They hailed the outcome as a win for Senegal, whose reputation as one of West Africa’s most stable democracies took a hit when Sall postponed the vote.

“The Senegalese people have reinforced the good health of our democracy.. I wish him (Faye) success at the head of our country,” Ba said.

A peaceful transition of power in Senegal would mark a boost for democracy in West Africa, where there have been eight military coups since 2020.

Details soon…

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